I had my 31 week appointment this past Monday to find out that my blood pressure went down, WOOHOO! That was the good news as well as finding out that Christopher is still 2 weeks behind, but consistently 2 weeks behind every time that I get measured, which means he's growing like a champ! Grow baby grow!
Now for the bad news. I have protein in my urine, which is linked to the early on stages of pre-eclampsyia/toxemia. So they had to take more blood work to be tested. As of today, I have not heard from the doctor, so to me that means the test was negative. No news is always good news from a doctor. Next appointment in 2 weeks, which puts us at June 1st.
Last week we went on our tour of the hospital and had our childbirth class. After experiencing both of these, reality has definitely set in. Having seen the delivery rooms and the nursery, I now realize that this is really happening. Don't get me wrong, I am not nervous, but very excited for the event that is soon to take place. It just seems like I have been pregnant forever and to finally see an end in sight is very exciting!! I can't wait to see who Christopher looks like and I can't wait to finally hold him. After being kicked and prodded for so long, I can't wait to see his little hands and feet. Will these next few weeks go by fast or slow?? I don't like to wish my life away like this, but the anticipation is killing me. Until next time!
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