First let me start by saying that I passed my 1 hour gestational diabetes test with flying colors. Thanks to some advice from some of my other pregnant friends, I did not eat any carbs before the testing began. My doctor informed me that I was able to eat before this test, however, a few of my friends also ate and failed due to those pesky carbs that turn into sugar. So with advice in hand, I only ate eggs and cheese before my test. Worked like a charm.
On another note, I am being monitored for slightly high blood pressure. My doctor's appointments have changed from 4 weeks to 2 weeks now because of it. I also had some slight protein in my last urine testing, which could be an indication of toxemia/preeclampsia. Hence, more monitoring. I did some research and toxemia is quite common in first pregnancies. I just hope and pray that the blood pressure doesn't get too high, I can't imagine being put on bed rest and how that is going to affect my maternity leave in general.
Little Christopher is measuring about 2 weeks behind in his growth right now. The doctor may give me another ultrasound to see how he his progressing. At first I was very nervous about this news, but after getting some advice from the "Bump" girls, apparently this is quite common as well and babies grow at differing rates throughout different pregnancies. I think he is just a late bloomer, that's all!
Lots of moving going around with Christopher and rooms in our house for Christopher's arrival. Right now, the house is in total chaos, but it should be all put together by next week sometime.
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