I was super excited to see that it came already. I subscribed to it a few weeks back so this is my first issue! I'm determined to read it from front to back and absorb all the guidance it can possibly give. This issue features the 100 Best Companies to work for. Awesome!! I hope this magazine will be everything that I expect it to be and much, much more.
On another note, I am stocking up on my freezer meals once again. Right now, we only have the following left:
* Porcupine Meatballs
* Tons of Pork Chops
I just totally emptied my fridge into a soup pot and made a fabulous chicken, rice and veggie soup. So that will be added to the above list. I also had a whole chicken in the freezer that I will cook up in the crock pot to make a couple of calzones...chicken parm and buffalo chicken.
Stop & Shop has chicken leg quarters on sale for $.59 lb, so I believe I will be purchasing some of those real soon. Depending on how big the package is, I may split those up into two with different marinades...honey lime/sweet & sour/BBQ...hmmm, decisions, decisions.
Tomorrow we are scheduled to go apple picking with another couple and their 17 month old son. I'm really looking forward to it and should probably be thinking of what to do with all those apples. Maybe some apple breads...hmm, I'm sure Christopher would love that for breakfast...or mini apple pies...or apple muffins...the possibilities are endless!
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