Sunday, September 28, 2008

Apple Baking Bonanza

The weather is getting cool and crisp here in the NorthEast and what's better than a fall crisp day and apple picking? This weekend was a rainy, dreary weekend and unfortunately was supposed to be an apple picking weekend. A couple of my coworkers, Cheryl and Paula, and I were planning an apple picking/baking Saturday for this weekend, but then the rains came! So instead, we compromised and purchased our apples, but continued with the original plans to bake. Cheryl kindly offered up her home for the baking festivities. So Paula and I trecked it out all the way into Scituate, RI! And on our way, we also stopped at Cracker Barrel and Super Walmart. Two venues I had never been before, but now may frequent often. They were fabulous!

To begin our bake off, we started with Dutch Apple Pie with Oatmeal Streusel. A very simple and tasty recipe to make.

We then took a stab at making Apple Turnovers. We were not very comfortable working with the puff pastry and felt that the way these looked when we took them out of the oven were not very appetizing, however, once cooled and with the glaze...they weren't that bad!

Our next recipe was Pumpkin Apple Muffins with Streusel Topping. I think it was unanimous that everyone loved this recipe the best. We even thought they were better than Dunkin Donuts Pumpkin Muffins and those are pretty good.

We liked the muffins so much that we even decided to bake this recipe as a bread.

I forgot to take a picture of the finished bread once it came out of the oven. We divided all the baked goods up between the three of us and as you can tell from the picture above, my block of bread is almost gone.

I just want to mention that I had a wonderful time baking with my friends and I hope that they will join me again in another baking bonanza!

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